Finastra FusionBanking Loan IQ Consulting
Solutions, Implementation & Integration Specialists
Finastra, the company that owns the FusionBanking Loan IQ product is our number one client and we have provided solutions to numerous banks with Loan IQ. Please Contact Us for more information on our premier services on Loan IQ.

"Tim Donahue joined the LS2 (LoanIQ) development team representing Bank of America during the initial development of the application. He quickly showed a keen grasp of the business requirements and was instrumental in extending the functionality to fit multiple banking scenarios. His ability to understand the data model, combined with his knowledge of Syndicated Lending Accounting, allowed him to successfully create technical solutions to some very complicated application requirements. His professionalism and ability to effectively communicate with the technical, business and accounting team members was a 'breath of fresh air'!!!"
Alex P., Financial Professional
"Tim was key to the success of LOANIQ, related Interfaces and Corporate Lending Warehouse solutions at Bank of Montreal. His knowledge of Business and Technology and ability to integrate them into valuable corporate solutions is rare in the financial services industry. Tim also has the unique asset of being able to communicate both upwards and downwards within a Project, ensuring everyone has a common understanding and direction."
Richard F., Computer Software Consultant and Professional